Ever wonder why people always ask themselves? Yup..just like the way you do sometimes. Does this dual-personality trait really exist among us? I'd say I believe it does. Everyone of us change modes and sometimes we act like we don't even know ourselves. Could this be a trick of the brain? Nobody's really sure. Maybe a shock could trigger a certain behavioral effect. We often confront ourselves and come up with a wonderful solution. Then after that wonder why you've never taught of it at first. Certain type of behavior makes us go nuts sometimes. Especially when you're very well concentrated on a certain matter. It just burst out like nothing could control it. But can we actually control it? Would self discipline work? Now try to remember that even the most brilliant mind posses a weird action that can never be very well explained. Along this road, we were meant not to travel all alone. It is also a saying that "No man is an island". Now if we stick to that, is this other personality inside us a fellow that guides us, talks to us, and listens to what we wanted to say? Is this another brain that decides what we should take? Or it's just our deep desires whispering to us what we should do? But why are we arguing with it then? Perhaps the only way to figure out is to live every single day and accept it as a part of you.
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